Would es el pasado de “will” en algunos casos y es un verbo modal auxiliar. Se forma sin ‘do’ y después de ‘would’ ponemos el infinitivo sin ‘to’.
I'd like some more whisky. / Quisiera un poco más de whisky
Would you like to go out with me on Saturday night? / ¿Te gustaría salir conmigo el sábado por la noche?
I wish you wouldn’t smoke. / Preferiría que no fumaras
- Would puede ser el pasado de ‘will’ en el estilo indirecto.
Se usa para hablar sobre ‘el futuro en el pasado’, cuando hablamos sobre un acción en el pasado que todavía no ha ocurrido en el tiempo del que estamos hablando.
When I saw her on the bus. I didn't know that I would fall in love with her.
Cuando la vi en el autobus, no sabía que me enamoraría de ella
I had no idea that they would offer me the job.
No tenía ni idea de que me ofrecerían el trabajo
- Would se usa como ‘will’ para pedir cosas, y ofrecer.
Would you sign here, please? / ¿Querría usted firmar aquí?
Would you like some chocolate cake? / ¿Le apetece un poco de pastel de chocolate?
I`d like to see you again /.Me gustaría volver a verte
Would you mind waiting in my office? / ¿Le importa esperar en mi oficina?
- También would puede indicar los habitos en el pasado y una firme voluntad en el pasado de hacer algo.
He would play football, rugby and tennis, but he hated playing golf.
Jugaba futbol, rugby y tenis, pero odiaba jugar golf.
My grandmother would sit in her room all day in a bad mood, and would only cheer up when she went to the casino.
Mi abuela solía sentarse en su habitación todo el día de mal humor, y solo levantaba el animo cuando se iba al casino.
- Pero no se puede usar el would cuando la acción ocurre en una sola ocasión en el pasado.
Comparar :
Bono sang at the concert last Sunday. / Bono cantó en el concierto el domingo pasado
(Y no Bono would sing at the concert last Sunday )
- Sin embargo, ‘would not’ se puede usar para indicar la negación de una ocasión.
I invited her to my flat, but she wouldn´t come. / Le invité a mi piso, pero ella no quiso venir
The bloody T.V. wouldn`t work last night. / No funcionaba el maldito televisor ayer por la noche
- Para criticar el comportamiento de la gente, se puede usar ‘would’. En esté caso se da más énfasis (stress) en el would.
“You were a good boy, but you WOULD leave your clothes all over the bedroom floor”
Eras un buen chico, pero siempre dejabas tu ropa en el suelo
“That`s typical of you, you WOULD go to the pub without leaving me a note!”.
¡Eso es típico de tí,te fuistes al pub sin dejarme una nota!
- ‘Would’, como ‘used to’, puede hablar de acciones repetidas y cosas en el pasado, pero no para referirse a estados como vivir, estar etc.
I used to play football in the park every Sunday. / Solia jugar futbol en el parque todos los domingos
I would play football in the park every Sunday. / Solia jugar futbol en el parque todos los domingos)
I used to live in London. / Solia vivir en londres
Pero no: I would live in London
- Would (y también should), como un verbo auxiliar, se usa con verbos que refieren a situaciones no reales o no ciertas. Se puede comparar con el subjuntivo en español. Aparecen mucho con las frases con ‘if’.
If I were a rich man, I'd build a big, tall house. / Si fuera rico, construíria una casa grande y alta
If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning. / Si tubiera un martillo, martillearía por la mañana
If I ruled the world, every day would/should be the first day of spring.
Si gobernara el mundo, todos los días sería el primer día de la primavera
If I had known you were married, I wouldn´t have asked you to dinner.
Si hubiera sabido que estabas casada, no te habría invitado a cenar
jueves, 23 de julio de 2009
lunes, 20 de julio de 2009
Examen: Modelo A 1° año
English test
Level 1
1- Complete the sentences with the correct words:
Mobile phone – argue – sign – call – alphabet.
a) I use my _________________ to call my parents.
b) My brother and my sister don't agree about anything, they ____________ a lot.
c) People who can’t hear, can communicate with ______________ language.
d) We _________________ on the phone every day.
e) A, B, C are letters of the __________________.
2- Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use simple present or present continuous.
a) Babies always _______________ (learn) to speak the language of their parents.
b) My baby is just over a year old and she ___________ (start) to say a few words.
c) She ____________ (listen) to me when I talk to her and she ___________ (copy) me.
d) She ________________________ (not understand) my words but my voice and actions make the meaning clear.
e) But right now she ______________________ (not learning) anything. She ___________________ (sleep)
3- Choose the correct tense
a) Karen walks / is walking to school every day.
b) Jack’s in the gym. He plays / is playing basketball.
c) Louise likes / is liking ballet music very much.
d) Sarah does / is doing gym every day Thursday evening.
e) Sarah and Kathie have / are having a tennis lesson at the moment.
4- Write questions
a) ______________________________________ ?
No, Beth isn’t shouting, she is laughing.
b) _________________________________ ?
Yes, Andy is listening to the radio.
c) ___________________________________ ?
No, Kath and Sally aren’t arguing, they are talking.
English test
Level 1
1- Complete the sentences with the correct words:
Mobile phone – argue – sign – call – alphabet.
a) I use my _________________ to call my parents.
b) My brother and my sister don't agree about anything, they ____________ a lot.
c) People who can’t hear, can communicate with ______________ language.
d) We _________________ on the phone every day.
e) A, B, C are letters of the __________________.
2- Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use simple present or present continuous.
a) Babies always _______________ (learn) to speak the language of their parents.
b) My baby is just over a year old and she ___________ (start) to say a few words.
c) She ____________ (listen) to me when I talk to her and she ___________ (copy) me.
d) She ________________________ (not understand) my words but my voice and actions make the meaning clear.
e) But right now she ______________________ (not learning) anything. She ___________________ (sleep)
3- Choose the correct tense
a) Karen walks / is walking to school every day.
b) Jack’s in the gym. He plays / is playing basketball.
c) Louise likes / is liking ballet music very much.
d) Sarah does / is doing gym every day Thursday evening.
e) Sarah and Kathie have / are having a tennis lesson at the moment.
4- Write questions
a) ______________________________________ ?
No, Beth isn’t shouting, she is laughing.
b) _________________________________ ?
Yes, Andy is listening to the radio.
c) ___________________________________ ?
No, Kath and Sally aren’t arguing, they are talking.
viernes, 17 de julio de 2009
Actividad 21: oraciones en futuro
- Oraciones afirmativas con el Future Auxiliary will and shall:
- I shall call her up later.
- He will call for her before two o'clock.
- You will see her today.
- They will be back at at four o'clock.
- He will answer the phone.
- You will talk with her tomorrow.
- We shall bring something for dinner.
- We shall allow you to eat.
- They will do their homework.
- She will order some pizza.
- Oraciones negativas con el Future Auxiliary:
- I shall not call her up later.
- He won't call for her before two o'clock.
- You will not see her today.
- They won't be back at four o'clock.
- He won't answer the phone.
- You won't talk with her tomorrow.
- We shall not bring something for dinner.
- We shall not allow you to eat.
- They won't do their homework.
- She won't order some pizza.
- Oraciones interrogativas con el Future Auxiliary:
- Shall I call her up later?
- Will he call for her before two o'clock?
- Will you see her today?
- Will they be back at at four o'clock?
- Will he answer the phone?
- Will you talk with her tomorrow?
- Shall we bring something for dinner?
- Shall we allow you to eat?
- Will they do their homework?
- Will she order some pizza?
Actividad 20: oraciones en pasado simple
- Oraciones afirmativas con el Simple Past Tense Did:
- I liked the movie last night.
- He pronounced the words well.
- You noticed Julia's new dress.
- You missed me last week.
- They arrived this morning.
- She used the correct word.
- We waited for you after class.
- She invited him to her party.
- I expected to see her yestErday.
- They received a letter this morning.
- Oraciones negativas con el Simple Past Tense:
- I didn't like the movie last night.
- He didn't pronounce the words well.
- You didn't notice Julia's new dress.
- You didn't miss me last week.
- They didn't arrive this morning.
- She didn't use the correct word.
- We didn't wait for you after class.
- She didn't invite him to her party.
- I didn't expect to see her yesterday.
- They didn't receive a letter this morning.
- Oraciones interrogativas con el Simple Past Tense:
- Did I like the movie last night?
- Did he pronounce the words well?
- Did you notice Julia's new dress?
- Did you miss me last week?
- Did they arrive this morning?
- Did she use the correct word?
- Did we wait for you after class?
- Did she invite him to her party?
- Did I expect to see her yesterday?
- Did they receive a letter this morning?
Actividad 19: oraciones en presente simple
- Oraciones afirmativas en el Simple Present Tense Do and Does:
- He needs to learn French.
- They like to study Spanish.
- Juan has a good pronunciation.
- Maria and Julio want to live in Costa Rica.
- My friend has enough time.
- We need vegetables today.
- Norlan eats at two o'clock.
- They come to class early.
- We practice our English every day in the house.
- I understand you.
- Oraciones negativas en el Simple Present Tense:
- He doesn't need to learn French.
- They don't like to study Spanish.
- Juan doesn't have a good pronunciation.
- Maria and Julio don't want to live in Costa Rica.
- My friend doesn't have enough time.
- We don't need vegetables today.
- Norlan doesn't eat at two o'clock.
- They don't come to class early.
- We don't practice our English every day in the house.
- I don't understand you.
- Oraciones interrogativas en el Simple Present Tense:
- Does he need to learn French?
- Do they like to study Spanish?
- Does Juan have a good pronunciation?
- Do Maria and Julio want to live in Costa Rica?
- Does my friend have enough time?
- Do we need vegetables today?
- Does Norlan eat at two o'clock?
- Do they come to class early?
- Do we practice our English every day in the house?
- Do I understand you?
Actividad 18: oraciones en tiempo pasado
- Oraciones afirmativas en el Past Tense con going to:
- I was going to see the doctor.
- She was going to leave the country.
- They were going to meet him.
- We were going to take care of the baby.
- You were going to watch t.v. this morning.
- He was going to drive the car.
- I was going to dance.
- She was going to work in the morning.
- They were going to study when you came.
- I was going to get some pills.
- Oracione negativas en el Past Tense con going to:
- I wasn't going to see the doctor.
- She wasn't going to leave the country.
- They weren't going to meet him.
- We weren't going to take care of the baby.
- You weren't going to watch t.v. this morning.
- He wasn't going to drive the car.
- I wasn't going to dance.
- She wasn't going to work in the morning.
- They were't going to study whey you came.
- I wasn't going to get some pills.
- Oraciones interrogativas en el Past Tense con going to:
- Was I going to see the doctor?
- Was she going to leave the country?
- Were they going to meet him?
- Were we going to take care of the baby?
- Were you going to watch t.v. this morning?
- Was he going to drive the car?
- Was I going to dance?
- Was she going to work in the morning?
- Were they going to study whey you came?
- Was I going to get some pills?
Actividad 17: oraciones en presente contínuo
- Oraciones en forma afirmativa en el Present Tense con ing:
- The Institute of Education is giving scholarship this year.
- It's raining a little bit.
- It's raining a great deal in Canada.
- The bus is stopping there.
- We are learning the present tense now.
- Karen is speaking English very well.
- She always is wanting to practice it.
- He is learning a great deal this year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Garay are building a new house.
- I am eating meat now.
- Oraciones en forma negativa en Present Tense con ing:
- The Instutute of Education isn't giving scholarship this year.
- It isn't raining a little bit.
- It isn't raining a great deal in Canada.
- The bus isn't stopping there.
- We aren't learning the present tense now.
- Karen isn't speaking English very well.
- She isn't always wanting to practice it.
- He isn't learning a great deal this year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Garay aren't building a new house.
- I am not eating meat now.
- Oraciones en forma interrogativa en el Present Tense con ing:
- Is it the Institute of Education giving scholarship this year?
- Is it raining a little bit?
- Is it raining a great deal in Canada?
- Is the bus stopping there?
- Are we learning the present tense now?
- Is Karen speaking Englis very well?
- Is she always wanting to practice it?
- Is he learning a great deal this year?
- Are Mr. and Mrs Garay building a new house?
- Am I eating meat now?
Teoría 6: verbos 5º parte
Simple Form | Third Person | Gerund | Past | Participio | Significado |
steal | steals | stealign | stole | stolen | robar |
tear | tears | tearing | tore | torn | romper |
know | knows | knowing | knew | known | saber |
leave | leaves | leaving | left | left | salir |
sit | sits | sitting | sit | sat | sentarse |
feel | feels | feeling | felt | felt | sentir |
be | am.are.is | being | was, were | been | ser o estar |
mean | means | meaning | meant | meant | significar |
ring | rings | ringing | rang | rung | sonar |
dream | dreams | dreaming | dreamed | dreamed | soñar |
smile | smiles | smiling | smiled | smiled | sonreir |
blow | blows | blowing | blew | blown | soplar, arruinar |
have | has | having | had | had | tener, haber |
touch | touches | touching | touched | touched | tocar |
take | takes | taking | took | taken | tomar |
work | works | working | worked | worked | trabajar |
bring | brings | bringing | brought | brought | traer |
use | uses | using | used | used | usar |
sell | sells | selling | sold | sold | vender |
come | comes | coming | came | come | venir |
see | sees | seeing | saw | seen | ver |
wear | wears | wearing | wore | worn | vestir |
visit | visits | visiting | visited | visited | visitar |
live | lives | living | lived | lived | vivir |
fly | flies | flying | flew | flown | volar |
Teoría 5: verbos 4º parte
Simple Form | Third Person | Gerund | Past | Participio | Significado |
bite | bites | biting | bit | bitten | morder |
die | dies | dying | died | died | morir |
swim | swims | swimming | swam | swum | nadar |
snow | snows | snowing | snowed | snowed | nevar |
watch | watches | watching | watched | watched | observar |
hear | hears | hearing | heard | heard | oir |
forget | forgets | forgetting | forgot | forgotten | olvidar |
pay | pays | paying | paid | paid | pagar |
borrow | borrows | borrowing | borrowed | borrowed | pedir prestado |
fight | fights | fighting | fought | fought | pelear |
think | thinks | thinking | thought | thought | pensar |
lose | loses | losing | lost | lost | perder |
forgive | forgives | forgiving | forgave | forgiven | perdonar |
stand | stands | standing | stood | stood | permanecer |
stay | stays | staying | stayed | stayed | permanecer |
let | lets | letting | let | let | permitir |
worry | worries | worrying | worried | worried | preocupar |
promise | promises | promising | promised | promised | prometer |
break | breaks | breaking | broke | broken | quebrar |
burn | burns | burning | burned | burned | quemar |
lie | lies | lying | lay | lain | reclinarse |
lay | lays | laying | laid | laid | recostarse |
reply | replies | replying | replied | replied | replicar |
slide | slides | sliding | slid | slid | resbalar |
pray | prays | praying | prayed | prayed | rezar |
Teoría 4: verbos 3º parte
Simple Form | Third Person | Gerund | Past | Participio | Significado |
study | studies | studying | studied | studied | estudiar |
explain | explains | explaining | explained | explained | explicar |
win | wins | winning | won | won | ganar |
spend | spends | spending | spent | spent | estar de vago |
hit | hits | hitting | hit | hit | golpear |
shout | shouts | shouting | shouted | shouted | gritar |
speak | speaks | speaking | spoke | spoken | hablar |
do | does | doing | did | done | hacer |
make | makes | making | made | made | hacer |
start | starts | starting | started | started | iniciar |
invite | invites | inviting | invited | invited | invitar |
go | goes | going | went | gone | ir |
play | plays | playing | played | played | jugar |
read | reads | reading | read | read | leer |
lift | lifts | lifting | lifted | lifted | levantar |
wake | wakes | waking | woke | woken | levantarse |
call | calls | calling | called | called | llamar |
become | becomes | becoming | became | become | llegar a se |
carry | carries | carrying | carried | carried | llevar |
cry | cries | crying | cried | cried | llorar |
rain | rains | raining | rained | rained | llover |
drive | drives | driving | drove | driven | manejar |
keep | keeps | keeping | kept | kept | mantener |
lie | lies | lying | lied | lied | mentir |
look | looks | looking | looked | looked | mirar |
Teoría 3: Verbos 2º parte
Simple Form | Third Person | Gerund | Past | Participio | Significado |
hurt | hurts | hurting | hurt | hurt | dañar |
give | gives | giving | gave | given | dar |
lend | lends | lending | lent | lent | dar prestado |
say | says | saying | said | said | decir |
tell | tells | telling | told | told | decir a alguien |
spell | spells | spelling | spelled | spelled | deletrear |
stop | stops | stopping | stopped | stopped | detener |
earn | earns | earning | earned | earned | devengar |
draw | draws | drawing | drew | drawn | dibujar |
lead | leads | leading | led | led | dirigir |
enjoy | enjoys | enjoying | enjoyed | enjoyed | disfrutar |
shoot | shoots | shooting | shot | shot | disparar |
sleep | sleeps | sleeping | slept | slept | dormir |
begin | begins | begining | began | begun | empezar |
fit | fits | fitting | fit | fit | encajar |
find | finds | finding | found | found | econtrar |
meet | meets | meeting | met | met | econtrar |
teach | teaches | teaching | taught | taught | enseñar |
understand | understands | understanding | understood | understood | entender |
send | sends | sending | sent | sent | enviar |
choose | chooses | choosing | chose | chosen | escoger |
hide | hides | hiding | hid | hidden | esconder |
write | writes | writing | wrote | written | escribir |
listen | listens | listening | listened | listened | escuchar |
wait | waits | waiting | waited | waited | esperar |
Teoría 2: Verbos 1º parte
Simple Form | Third Person | Gerund | Past | Participio | Significado |
catch | catches | catching | caught | caugth | agarrar |
shake | shakes | shaking | shook | shaken | agitar |
feed | feeds | feeding | fed | fed | alimentar |
help | helps | helping | helped | helped | ayudar |
dance | dances | dancing | danced | danced | bailar |
sweep | sweeps | sweeping | swept | swept | barrer |
drink | drinks | drinking | drank | drunk | beber |
kiss | kisses | kissing | kissed | kissed | besar |
erase | erases | erasing | erased | erased | borrar |
fall | falls | falling | fell | fallen | caer |
heat | heats | heating | heated | heated | calentar |
walk | walks | walking | walked | walked | caminar |
sing | sings | singing | sang | sung | cantar |
dig | digs | digging | dug | dug | cabar |
shut | shuts | shutting | shut | shut | cerrar |
eat | eats | eating | ate | eaten | comer |
buy | buys | buying | bought | bought | comprar |
freeze | freezes | freezing | froze | frozen | congelar |
get | gets | getting | got | gotten | conseguir |
build | builds | building | built | built | construir |
answer | answers | answering | answered | answered | contestar |
run | runs | running | ran | run | correr |
cut | cuts | cutting | cut | cut | cortar |
cost | costs | costing | cost | cost | costar |
grow | grows | growing | grew | grown | crecer |
Actividad 16: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. Should we write these sentences for tomorrow?
2. Shouldn't you make your reservation now?
3. Should I send the letter by air mail?
4. What time should we be there?
5. Do you think that we should wait for them?
6. Wouldn't they take a taxi?
7. Wouldn't she wait for you?
8. Wouldn't he go with you yesterday?
9. Why did he say that he wouldn't be able to come to the party tomorrow?
10. If you don't fell well, do you think it would be a good idea to call a doctor.
11. Would it be interesting to visit and Indian village?
12. Did he tell you that he would cross the causeway?
1. Would many people like to go to Florida in the winter?
2. Did you say that you would have sometime to see me now?
3. Would they like to go for a walk with us?
4. Would you like to review this lesson?
5. Would they like to live in Brazil?
6. Would she like to read that book?
7. Would you like to dance?
8. Would you like to speak English well?
9. I would have sent it to her but I didn't know her address.
10. You should study this lesson carefully.
11. We should go now if we want to be on time.
12. He wouldn't come with us because it was late.
13. Would you help me, please?
14. He would always come to class early.
15. He would study before going to school.
1. I couldn't come to the last class.
2. Can you tell me where she is?
3. You can travel by plane or by train.
4. She said that she could be there by noon.
5. You can see the Washington Monument from here.
6. He said that he couldn't wait for us.
7. He says that he can not wait for us.
8. No one could translate that sentence.
9. Who can translate that sentence?
10. Could we finish the book this year.
11. We could have come earlier.
12. I could have sent it by air mail.
1. We will have to pay for it immediately.
2. You will have to get up early.
3. They will have to take a train at six o'clock.
4. You will have to see her before class.
5. We will have to be on time.
6. We had to ask the driver for change.
7. She had to write some letters.
8. Pedro had to call her up.
9. Maria had to see the doctor.
10. You had to wait for a bus.
11. The teacher has to explain it again.
12. They have to go now.
13. He has to leave home early tomorrow.
14. They have to learn the new words.
15. We have to write this exercise.
1. You should realize that New York is not the United State.
2. You should not forget your book.
3. I should call her up and tell her about our plans.
4. I should answer this letter immediately.
5. He should not drive so fast; it is dangerous.
6. She should not talk so much.
7. We should come to class regularly.
8. We should always speak English in class.
9. We should go to English lectures in order to train our ear.
10. We should study our English a little every day.
2. Shouldn't you make your reservation now?
3. Should I send the letter by air mail?
4. What time should we be there?
5. Do you think that we should wait for them?
6. Wouldn't they take a taxi?
7. Wouldn't she wait for you?
8. Wouldn't he go with you yesterday?
9. Why did he say that he wouldn't be able to come to the party tomorrow?
10. If you don't fell well, do you think it would be a good idea to call a doctor.
11. Would it be interesting to visit and Indian village?
12. Did he tell you that he would cross the causeway?
1. Would many people like to go to Florida in the winter?
2. Did you say that you would have sometime to see me now?
3. Would they like to go for a walk with us?
4. Would you like to review this lesson?
5. Would they like to live in Brazil?
6. Would she like to read that book?
7. Would you like to dance?
8. Would you like to speak English well?
9. I would have sent it to her but I didn't know her address.
10. You should study this lesson carefully.
11. We should go now if we want to be on time.
12. He wouldn't come with us because it was late.
13. Would you help me, please?
14. He would always come to class early.
15. He would study before going to school.
1. I couldn't come to the last class.
2. Can you tell me where she is?
3. You can travel by plane or by train.
4. She said that she could be there by noon.
5. You can see the Washington Monument from here.
6. He said that he couldn't wait for us.
7. He says that he can not wait for us.
8. No one could translate that sentence.
9. Who can translate that sentence?
10. Could we finish the book this year.
11. We could have come earlier.
12. I could have sent it by air mail.
1. We will have to pay for it immediately.
2. You will have to get up early.
3. They will have to take a train at six o'clock.
4. You will have to see her before class.
5. We will have to be on time.
6. We had to ask the driver for change.
7. She had to write some letters.
8. Pedro had to call her up.
9. Maria had to see the doctor.
10. You had to wait for a bus.
11. The teacher has to explain it again.
12. They have to go now.
13. He has to leave home early tomorrow.
14. They have to learn the new words.
15. We have to write this exercise.
1. You should realize that New York is not the United State.
2. You should not forget your book.
3. I should call her up and tell her about our plans.
4. I should answer this letter immediately.
5. He should not drive so fast; it is dangerous.
6. She should not talk so much.
7. We should come to class regularly.
8. We should always speak English in class.
9. We should go to English lectures in order to train our ear.
10. We should study our English a little every day.
Actividad 15: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. This engineering course is similar to that one.
2. His tuition is not like Pedro's.
3. Maria's program of studies is different from Pedro's.
4. This application blank is like that one.
5. The schools in one state are similar to the school in another state.
6. A separate liberal arts college is like the corresponding college of a university.
7. A high school diploma is similar to a bachillerato.
8. A Bachelor of Arts degree is different from a bachillerato.
9. The Colombia flag is similar to the Venezuela flag.
10. North American customs are often different from South American customs.
11. Your telephone number is similar to ours.
12. The news clothes are different from the old ones.
13. His new coat is similar to his father's.
14. She and her mother are alike in many ways.
1. How long ago did you have a vacation?
2. How long ago did you read that book?
3. How long ago did you buy that car?
4. How long ago did you send the letter?
5. How long ago did you write to your sister?
6. How long ago did you see your dentist?
7. How long ago did you meet Juan?
8. How long ago did you enter this class?
9. How long ago did you begin to study English?
10. How long ago did she leave?
1. Shall we wait for them?
2. Shall I read the next sentence?
3. When will I call you up?
4. No, I will not leave the office before six o'clock.
5. He will not receive his degree until next year.
6. We shall not have a class tomorrow.
7. The doctor says he will be busy until noon.
8. I will see you in class tomorrow.
9. She will meet us in front of the theater.
10. He will not be able to play tennis today.
11. I will be glad to see them.
12. We shall take a taxi to the station.
13. If the train ins 't late, they will be her for dinner.
14. What time will they arrive?
2. His tuition is not like Pedro's.
3. Maria's program of studies is different from Pedro's.
4. This application blank is like that one.
5. The schools in one state are similar to the school in another state.
6. A separate liberal arts college is like the corresponding college of a university.
7. A high school diploma is similar to a bachillerato.
8. A Bachelor of Arts degree is different from a bachillerato.
9. The Colombia flag is similar to the Venezuela flag.
10. North American customs are often different from South American customs.
11. Your telephone number is similar to ours.
12. The news clothes are different from the old ones.
13. His new coat is similar to his father's.
14. She and her mother are alike in many ways.
1. How long ago did you have a vacation?
2. How long ago did you read that book?
3. How long ago did you buy that car?
4. How long ago did you send the letter?
5. How long ago did you write to your sister?
6. How long ago did you see your dentist?
7. How long ago did you meet Juan?
8. How long ago did you enter this class?
9. How long ago did you begin to study English?
10. How long ago did she leave?
1. Shall we wait for them?
2. Shall I read the next sentence?
3. When will I call you up?
4. No, I will not leave the office before six o'clock.
5. He will not receive his degree until next year.
6. We shall not have a class tomorrow.
7. The doctor says he will be busy until noon.
8. I will see you in class tomorrow.
9. She will meet us in front of the theater.
10. He will not be able to play tennis today.
11. I will be glad to see them.
12. We shall take a taxi to the station.
13. If the train ins 't late, they will be her for dinner.
14. What time will they arrive?
Actividad 14: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. The trip itself is very expensive, even without the cost of hotel rooms.
2. If you do it yourself, you know that is done.
3. Please do the work yourself.
4. The theater itself is not beautiful, but the shows are good.
5. The house itself is not large, but it is comfortable.
6. I gave the telegram to Mr. Pedro myself.
7. Mrs. Maria answered the phone herself.
8. She doesn't like to eat by herself.
9. Sometimes you have to introduce yourself to other people.
10. Please read to yourself, not aloud.
11. We excused ourselves because we had to leave.
12. Did you hurt yourself when you fell?
13. Why don't you speak for yourself.
14. She lives by herself.
15. I need to buy myself a new hat.
16. Maria took the bus herself.
1. I met some North Americans there.
2. His father gave him some money.
3. You don't need any coat today.
4. She didn't have any mistakes on her paper.
5. Did you buy some stamps?
6. Would you like some dessert now?
7. There isn't any paper in the desk.
8. There is some paper in the desk.
9. There aren't any magazines on the table.
10. There are some magazines on the table.
11. Are there any people in the waiting room?
12. Are there some people in the waiting room?
13. Here are some pills for your headache.
14. Here is some money, if you need it.
1. Are there some seats in the center of the theater?
2. Did you buy some vegetables for dinner?
3. Did you receive some letters today?
4. Do you need some stamps?
5. Do you have some paper for dictation?
6. Are there any classes on Saturday?
7. Do you have any time to write it this afternoon?
8. Is there any sugar in the house?
9. Do you have any money for a tip?
10. Is there any good music on the radio?
1. She asks no question in class.
2. She doesn't ask any question in class.
3. I received no letter today.
4. I didn't receive any letter today.
5. We have no hot water today.
6. We don't have any hot water today.
7. There are no students absent today.
8. There aren't any students absent today.
9. There is no time like the present.
10. There isn't any time like the present.
11. There is no heat in the the building.
12. There isn't any heat in the building.
13. We have no time for that now.
14. We don't have any time for that now.
15. They have no fireplace in their house.
16. They don't have any fireplace in their house.
17. The room has no windows in it.
18. The room doesn't have any windows in it.
19. He notices no difference in their pronunciation.
20. He doesn't notice any difference in their pronunciation.
1. Did Maria ask her to dance?
2. Did she ask him to wait for her?
3. Who advised you to enter in this class?
4. Where did he tell us to buy that book?
5. Did she tell the druggist to fill her prescriptions?
6. Did you let her use your book?
7. Do parents here let their daughters go to the movies without a chaperon?
8. Do you want them to go with you?
9. Do you want me to help you with your pronunciation?
10. Does your teacher advise you to study?
2. If you do it yourself, you know that is done.
3. Please do the work yourself.
4. The theater itself is not beautiful, but the shows are good.
5. The house itself is not large, but it is comfortable.
6. I gave the telegram to Mr. Pedro myself.
7. Mrs. Maria answered the phone herself.
8. She doesn't like to eat by herself.
9. Sometimes you have to introduce yourself to other people.
10. Please read to yourself, not aloud.
11. We excused ourselves because we had to leave.
12. Did you hurt yourself when you fell?
13. Why don't you speak for yourself.
14. She lives by herself.
15. I need to buy myself a new hat.
16. Maria took the bus herself.
1. I met some North Americans there.
2. His father gave him some money.
3. You don't need any coat today.
4. She didn't have any mistakes on her paper.
5. Did you buy some stamps?
6. Would you like some dessert now?
7. There isn't any paper in the desk.
8. There is some paper in the desk.
9. There aren't any magazines on the table.
10. There are some magazines on the table.
11. Are there any people in the waiting room?
12. Are there some people in the waiting room?
13. Here are some pills for your headache.
14. Here is some money, if you need it.
1. Are there some seats in the center of the theater?
2. Did you buy some vegetables for dinner?
3. Did you receive some letters today?
4. Do you need some stamps?
5. Do you have some paper for dictation?
6. Are there any classes on Saturday?
7. Do you have any time to write it this afternoon?
8. Is there any sugar in the house?
9. Do you have any money for a tip?
10. Is there any good music on the radio?
1. She asks no question in class.
2. She doesn't ask any question in class.
3. I received no letter today.
4. I didn't receive any letter today.
5. We have no hot water today.
6. We don't have any hot water today.
7. There are no students absent today.
8. There aren't any students absent today.
9. There is no time like the present.
10. There isn't any time like the present.
11. There is no heat in the the building.
12. There isn't any heat in the building.
13. We have no time for that now.
14. We don't have any time for that now.
15. They have no fireplace in their house.
16. They don't have any fireplace in their house.
17. The room has no windows in it.
18. The room doesn't have any windows in it.
19. He notices no difference in their pronunciation.
20. He doesn't notice any difference in their pronunciation.
1. Did Maria ask her to dance?
2. Did she ask him to wait for her?
3. Who advised you to enter in this class?
4. Where did he tell us to buy that book?
5. Did she tell the druggist to fill her prescriptions?
6. Did you let her use your book?
7. Do parents here let their daughters go to the movies without a chaperon?
8. Do you want them to go with you?
9. Do you want me to help you with your pronunciation?
10. Does your teacher advise you to study?
Actividad 13: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. Pedro called up Maria for a date.
2. Pedro called Maria to ask her for a date.
3. Pedro is doing his homework for his Spanish class.
4. Pedro is studying tonight for an examination.
5. They stayed after class to sing.
6. They stayed after class to the lecture.
7. We invited Maria to our house for dinner.
8. We invited Maria to our house to have dinner.
9. Then she went to the florist's to buy some flowers.
10. She went to the post office for mail a letter.
11. I seldom go to the movies during the week
12. I saw him twice during the week.
13. I went to the lake for a week during my vacation.
14. It rained for an hour during the afternoon.
1. How long did you stay in the country?
2. How long was he sick?
3. How long were you downtown this morning?
4. How long did you play tennis yesterday?
5. How long did you wait for her?
6. How long were you busy?
7. How long was she in the market place?
8. How long was he with his wife?
9. How long were they with you?
10. How long was my mother here?
1. Why were you absent yesterday?
2. Why did you go to the bank this morning?
3. Why did you take a taxi?
4. Why did you go to the library?
5. Why did you go to the drugstore?
6. Why did they sit downstairs?
7. Why did they go to the Karawala Theater?
8. Why did he hang up the receiver at first?
9. Why did Pedro call her up?
10. Why did you go to the United States?
11. Why are you studying French.?
12. Why is she in my house?
13. Why is he my favorite friends?
14. Why is she playing?
15. Why is my dog playing with my enemy
1. Which book of the tree from the library are you reading?
2. What book are you reading?
3. Which students in the class understood the lecture?
4. Which man in the class is Mr. Pedro?
5. What is more comfortable, a bus or a streetcar?
6. What kind of music do you like?
7. Which language does he speak, English or Spanish?
8. Which building across the street is the library?
9. What are you eating now?
10. What did the bus driver say?
11. Which was the reason for your absence?
12. What was the result of your election?
13. Which is the best way to go to theater?
14. What is our homework for tomorrow?
15. Which is the price of the theater tickets?
16. What is the bus fare?
17. Which is the building opposite the library?
18. What is your first name?
19. What is the name of this book?
1. She has a new red dress and also a new black one.
2. That camera is small, but it is a good one.
3. In the living room we have one large lamp and two small ones.
4. We are going to sing old songs and new ones.
5. In the library there are books of all sizes, big ones, and small ones.
6. We have a blue book and a light brown one.
7. This lesson is easy. The last one was more difficult.
8. This street and the next one have some good stores.
9. This seat is more comfortable than that one.
10. The green buses are new. The red ones are old.
11. I don't like to ride in the old taxis. I like the new ones.
12. Is this taxi taken? Yes, but that one ins 't.
2. Pedro called Maria to ask her for a date.
3. Pedro is doing his homework for his Spanish class.
4. Pedro is studying tonight for an examination.
5. They stayed after class to sing.
6. They stayed after class to the lecture.
7. We invited Maria to our house for dinner.
8. We invited Maria to our house to have dinner.
9. Then she went to the florist's to buy some flowers.
10. She went to the post office for mail a letter.
11. I seldom go to the movies during the week
12. I saw him twice during the week.
13. I went to the lake for a week during my vacation.
14. It rained for an hour during the afternoon.
1. How long did you stay in the country?
2. How long was he sick?
3. How long were you downtown this morning?
4. How long did you play tennis yesterday?
5. How long did you wait for her?
6. How long were you busy?
7. How long was she in the market place?
8. How long was he with his wife?
9. How long were they with you?
10. How long was my mother here?
1. Why were you absent yesterday?
2. Why did you go to the bank this morning?
3. Why did you take a taxi?
4. Why did you go to the library?
5. Why did you go to the drugstore?
6. Why did they sit downstairs?
7. Why did they go to the Karawala Theater?
8. Why did he hang up the receiver at first?
9. Why did Pedro call her up?
10. Why did you go to the United States?
11. Why are you studying French.?
12. Why is she in my house?
13. Why is he my favorite friends?
14. Why is she playing?
15. Why is my dog playing with my enemy
1. Which book of the tree from the library are you reading?
2. What book are you reading?
3. Which students in the class understood the lecture?
4. Which man in the class is Mr. Pedro?
5. What is more comfortable, a bus or a streetcar?
6. What kind of music do you like?
7. Which language does he speak, English or Spanish?
8. Which building across the street is the library?
9. What are you eating now?
10. What did the bus driver say?
11. Which was the reason for your absence?
12. What was the result of your election?
13. Which is the best way to go to theater?
14. What is our homework for tomorrow?
15. Which is the price of the theater tickets?
16. What is the bus fare?
17. Which is the building opposite the library?
18. What is your first name?
19. What is the name of this book?
1. She has a new red dress and also a new black one.
2. That camera is small, but it is a good one.
3. In the living room we have one large lamp and two small ones.
4. We are going to sing old songs and new ones.
5. In the library there are books of all sizes, big ones, and small ones.
6. We have a blue book and a light brown one.
7. This lesson is easy. The last one was more difficult.
8. This street and the next one have some good stores.
9. This seat is more comfortable than that one.
10. The green buses are new. The red ones are old.
11. I don't like to ride in the old taxis. I like the new ones.
12. Is this taxi taken? Yes, but that one ins 't.
Actividad 12: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. How soon is he going?
2. How old is your brother?
3. How tall are you?
4. How big is your house?
5. How cold was winter?
6. How expensive was your car?
7. How far is Masaya from here?
8. How far is it from Nicaragua to the United State?
9. How far is the hotel from here?
10. How far is the ocean from here?
1. How many people are there in the class?
2. How many children do the Garay have?
3. How much time do you spend there?
4. How much bread did you buy?
5. How many finger do you have?
6. How many students are in the class?
7. How much milk are in the house?
8. How much money do you have?
9. How many mistake have you done?
10. How much noise can you make?
1. The teacher distributed the papes among the students.
2. There is no comparison between this book and that one.
3. You will find your book among the magazines on the table.
4. They will arrive between five and six o'clock.
5. I am going to look for it among my papers.
6. Thursday comes between Wednesday and Friday.
7. Her calling card was among those on the desk.
8. Maria found a program among her souvenirs.
9. The bookstore is betwenn the bank and the theater.
10. Upon the table is a large dictionary.
11. I laid the keys on the table near the door.
12. The pencil rolled off the table.
13. The pencil was on the table.
14. Mrs. Maria took the flowers off the table.
15. Mrs. Maria put the flowers on the desk.
1. Will they wait for us if we go now?
2. Will you talk English with her?
3. Will she accept his vacation?
4. Will he answer the phone?
5. Will you dial that number again?
6. Will they be back at six o'clock?
7. Will you see her today?
8. Will she be ready on time?
9. Will he call her before seven o'clock?
10. Will you go with me tonight?
11. Will you dance with my darling?
12. Will you be my lover?
1. You usually answer the phone, don't you?
2. Your number is in the telephone book, isn't it?
3. The telephone didn't ring, did it?
4. You weren't at home yesterday, were you?
5. You didn't call me up yesterday, did you?
6. The phone isnt' out of order, is it?
7. It is a dial phone, isn't it?
8. You have a telephone, don't you?
9. Pedro called for her before seven, didn't he?
10. Pedro hung up the receiver, doesn't he?
1. Maria isn't going to study very much, is she?
2. Maria is coming now, isn't she.
3. Pedro didn't leave a messeage, did he?
4. Maria wasn't at home, was she?
5. He had the wrong number, didn't he?
6. The line was busy, wasn't it?
7. Ever lives on La Calzada, doesn't he?
8. He dialed Information, didn't he?
9. Pedro didn't find her number in the book, did he?
10. The other person sometimes becomes impatient, doesn't he?
11. You make yourselft understood, didn't you?
12. It is difficult to speak English over the phone, isn't it?
2. How old is your brother?
3. How tall are you?
4. How big is your house?
5. How cold was winter?
6. How expensive was your car?
7. How far is Masaya from here?
8. How far is it from Nicaragua to the United State?
9. How far is the hotel from here?
10. How far is the ocean from here?
1. How many people are there in the class?
2. How many children do the Garay have?
3. How much time do you spend there?
4. How much bread did you buy?
5. How many finger do you have?
6. How many students are in the class?
7. How much milk are in the house?
8. How much money do you have?
9. How many mistake have you done?
10. How much noise can you make?
1. The teacher distributed the papes among the students.
2. There is no comparison between this book and that one.
3. You will find your book among the magazines on the table.
4. They will arrive between five and six o'clock.
5. I am going to look for it among my papers.
6. Thursday comes between Wednesday and Friday.
7. Her calling card was among those on the desk.
8. Maria found a program among her souvenirs.
9. The bookstore is betwenn the bank and the theater.
10. Upon the table is a large dictionary.
11. I laid the keys on the table near the door.
12. The pencil rolled off the table.
13. The pencil was on the table.
14. Mrs. Maria took the flowers off the table.
15. Mrs. Maria put the flowers on the desk.
1. Will they wait for us if we go now?
2. Will you talk English with her?
3. Will she accept his vacation?
4. Will he answer the phone?
5. Will you dial that number again?
6. Will they be back at six o'clock?
7. Will you see her today?
8. Will she be ready on time?
9. Will he call her before seven o'clock?
10. Will you go with me tonight?
11. Will you dance with my darling?
12. Will you be my lover?
1. You usually answer the phone, don't you?
2. Your number is in the telephone book, isn't it?
3. The telephone didn't ring, did it?
4. You weren't at home yesterday, were you?
5. You didn't call me up yesterday, did you?
6. The phone isnt' out of order, is it?
7. It is a dial phone, isn't it?
8. You have a telephone, don't you?
9. Pedro called for her before seven, didn't he?
10. Pedro hung up the receiver, doesn't he?
1. Maria isn't going to study very much, is she?
2. Maria is coming now, isn't she.
3. Pedro didn't leave a messeage, did he?
4. Maria wasn't at home, was she?
5. He had the wrong number, didn't he?
6. The line was busy, wasn't it?
7. Ever lives on La Calzada, doesn't he?
8. He dialed Information, didn't he?
9. Pedro didn't find her number in the book, did he?
10. The other person sometimes becomes impatient, doesn't he?
11. You make yourselft understood, didn't you?
12. It is difficult to speak English over the phone, isn't it?
Actividad 11: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. She hung her coat over mine.
2. The plane flew over the city.
3. The wastebasket is under the desk.
4. He put his hat under the seat.
5. He jumped over the hole.
6. We flew about the clouds.
7. During our plane trip, we saw many mountains below us.
8. I live on the fourth. He lives over me on the fifth floor.
9. The money rolled under the chair.
10. Usually It is not so cold, about ten or twenty degrees about cero.
11. In the winter the temperature is sometimes below cero.
12. Mr Pedro hung a beautiful mirror over the fireplace.
1. We walked through the garden.
2. She was waiting in the front door.
3. The thief went through the house and jumped out of the window.
4. I did not see him come from the store.
5. He took the money out of his pocket.
6. They are going to the park.
7. They are walking toward the corner.
8. Mr Pedro went into the bank.
9. He was at the bank for a few minutes.
10. Then he went out of the bank.
11. He went to the office.
12. He went into his office.
13. He is at his office now.
14. Pedro went to the movie.
15. He went into the theater.
16. Now he is at the theater.
1. Is it above me or below me?
2. Is it near or far from me?
3. Is it behind me or in front of me?
4. Is it inside or outside?
5. Is it ugly or beautful?
6. Is it yours or mine?
7. Is it light brown or dark brown?
8. Is it heavy or light?
9. Is it round or square?
10. Is it wide or narrow?
11. Is it hard or soft?
12. Is it high or low?
13. Is it long or short?
14. Is it big or little?
15. Is it large or small?
1. He lent a dollar to his sister.
2. I sent a book to Juan for her birthday.
3. When are you going to write a letter to Maria.
4. She told a story to the class.
5. She taught Spanish to North Americans.
6. I took the flower to my friend.
7. They sang sons for Maria.
8. Please show your photographs toMrs. Maria.
9. He sold his car to his brother.
10. I am goint to leave my book for him.
11. She is getting a glass of water for you.
12. We sent the photograph to her.
13. He read the letter to us.
14. She gave the book to him.
15. Yes, I bought the ticket for you.
1. She said to me, "I don't believe everything he told us.
2. What did she say when you saw her?
3. They said some good stories last night.
4. Maria said that she liked Juan very much.
5. Did she tell your fortune with tea leaves?
6. Did you ever tell a lie?
7. He always said the truth.
8. Did he tell you about his vacation?
9. What did you tell her?
10. What did you say?
11. He told me that he was sick yesterday.
12. I said that I did not understand English.
13. My friends told me that English was difficult.
14. Mr Pedro told his wife that he was going to Florida.
15. She said to me. "I understand almost al the movie".
16. She said, " The movie was wonderful".
17. She told me that she went to movie last night.
18. She said that she went to the movie.
19. She told us that they were not at home.
20. She said that those people were not at home.
21. He said that the suit was ready.
22. The man told me that my suite was ready.
2. The plane flew over the city.
3. The wastebasket is under the desk.
4. He put his hat under the seat.
5. He jumped over the hole.
6. We flew about the clouds.
7. During our plane trip, we saw many mountains below us.
8. I live on the fourth. He lives over me on the fifth floor.
9. The money rolled under the chair.
10. Usually It is not so cold, about ten or twenty degrees about cero.
11. In the winter the temperature is sometimes below cero.
12. Mr Pedro hung a beautiful mirror over the fireplace.
1. We walked through the garden.
2. She was waiting in the front door.
3. The thief went through the house and jumped out of the window.
4. I did not see him come from the store.
5. He took the money out of his pocket.
6. They are going to the park.
7. They are walking toward the corner.
8. Mr Pedro went into the bank.
9. He was at the bank for a few minutes.
10. Then he went out of the bank.
11. He went to the office.
12. He went into his office.
13. He is at his office now.
14. Pedro went to the movie.
15. He went into the theater.
16. Now he is at the theater.
1. Is it above me or below me?
2. Is it near or far from me?
3. Is it behind me or in front of me?
4. Is it inside or outside?
5. Is it ugly or beautful?
6. Is it yours or mine?
7. Is it light brown or dark brown?
8. Is it heavy or light?
9. Is it round or square?
10. Is it wide or narrow?
11. Is it hard or soft?
12. Is it high or low?
13. Is it long or short?
14. Is it big or little?
15. Is it large or small?
1. He lent a dollar to his sister.
2. I sent a book to Juan for her birthday.
3. When are you going to write a letter to Maria.
4. She told a story to the class.
5. She taught Spanish to North Americans.
6. I took the flower to my friend.
7. They sang sons for Maria.
8. Please show your photographs toMrs. Maria.
9. He sold his car to his brother.
10. I am goint to leave my book for him.
11. She is getting a glass of water for you.
12. We sent the photograph to her.
13. He read the letter to us.
14. She gave the book to him.
15. Yes, I bought the ticket for you.
1. She said to me, "I don't believe everything he told us.
2. What did she say when you saw her?
3. They said some good stories last night.
4. Maria said that she liked Juan very much.
5. Did she tell your fortune with tea leaves?
6. Did you ever tell a lie?
7. He always said the truth.
8. Did he tell you about his vacation?
9. What did you tell her?
10. What did you say?
11. He told me that he was sick yesterday.
12. I said that I did not understand English.
13. My friends told me that English was difficult.
14. Mr Pedro told his wife that he was going to Florida.
15. She said to me. "I understand almost al the movie".
16. She said, " The movie was wonderful".
17. She told me that she went to movie last night.
18. She said that she went to the movie.
19. She told us that they were not at home.
20. She said that those people were not at home.
21. He said that the suit was ready.
22. The man told me that my suite was ready.
Actividad 10: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. Did you receive a letter this morning?
2. Did you expect to see her yesterday?
3. Did she invite you to her party?
4. Did they wait for you after class?
5. Did he use the correct word?
6. Did you sing your name?
7. Did they arrive this morning?
8. Did you miss me last week?
9. Did you notice Maria's new dress?
10. Did he pronounce the words well?
11. Did you like the movie last night?
12. Did the maid answer the door?
13. Did you learn your English here?
14. Did she study hard for her examination?
15. Did she have an appointment with her history professor?
16. Did she dance with him all the time?
17. Did Maria have a date with him last Saturday?
18. Did he walk home with her?
19. Did he ask her to go to the drugstore for a Coke?
20. Did Maria meet Juan in class?
1. Good-bye until tomorrow.
2. I was tired after dancing all night.
3. They are going as far as Florida by plane.
4. She listened to radio before going to bed.
5. We played bridge after dinner.
6. I want to see him before writing this letter.
7. Juan invited Maria to go to the party.
8. We walked as far as the corner together.
9. She is going to be busy after four o'clock.
10. I like to study before class.
11. Our friends were here until midnight.
12. I always read the news paper after breakfast.
13. The train arrived before five o'clock.
14. They are going to the lecture tonight.
15. He ins 't at home now. He is at the office.
1. Did you mean that?
2. Did the teacher stand?
3. Where did I lay my keys?
4. Where did they keep their car?
5. Did she spend a week there?
6. Did you win the prize?
7. Did they take Maria with them?
8. Did she wear her new hat?
9. Did you think of me?
10. Did he tell you the truth?
11. Did she teach English here?
12. Did he swim across the river?
13. Did she speak to you?
14. Did you sleep well last night?
15. Did they shake hands?
16. When did you send the package?
17. Did you ride on the streetcar ?
18. Did he pay for the tickets?
19. Where did Maria meet Juan?
20. Did she make her sweater?
1. How much money did you lend him?
2. Where did I leave my gloves?
3. Did he know her before?
4. Did you here the serenade?
5. Did Maria have a wonderful time?
6. Did he give you his seat?
7. Did the lake freeze in the winter?
8. Did you fly or take a train?
9. Did he feel alright?
10. When did he fall?
11. When did you get the tickets?
12. Where did he hang his coat and hat?
13. Did they drive to the office?
14. Did you drink all your coffee?
15. When did he become a doctor?
16. When did she cut her finger?
17. Why did you choose that hat?
18. Did he break the glass?
19. Did you bring your notebook?
20. Did the class begin on time?
1. Who sang songs to the girls?
2. Who put it there?
3. Where did they go last night?
4. Did she forget her book?
5. Did you have a vacation?
6. Did you write a letter?
7. When did he call me?
8. Where did they sit?
9. What did they say?
10. When did you read it?
11. How much did the movie cost?
12. When did you sell your radio?
13. When did you see him?
14. Where did you find it?
15. What time did you get up?
16. Why did they run?
17. Did you understand well?
18. Where did they eat?
19. When did he come?
20. What did he buy?
1. She used to have a date during the week.
2. Maria used to study almost every night until eleven o'clock.
3. They used to go for a walk every sunday.
4. He used to sing very well.
5. She used to read a book every week.
6. I used to walk home.
7. Our class used to begin at six o'clock.
8. He used to take a bus every morning.
9. I used to forget my books.
10. I used to write many letters.
11. They used to go to the movies every Monday.
12. She used to come to class early.
13. The two friends used to have dinner together.
14. He used to speak Italian very well.
15. We used to see him every day.
2. Did you expect to see her yesterday?
3. Did she invite you to her party?
4. Did they wait for you after class?
5. Did he use the correct word?
6. Did you sing your name?
7. Did they arrive this morning?
8. Did you miss me last week?
9. Did you notice Maria's new dress?
10. Did he pronounce the words well?
11. Did you like the movie last night?
12. Did the maid answer the door?
13. Did you learn your English here?
14. Did she study hard for her examination?
15. Did she have an appointment with her history professor?
16. Did she dance with him all the time?
17. Did Maria have a date with him last Saturday?
18. Did he walk home with her?
19. Did he ask her to go to the drugstore for a Coke?
20. Did Maria meet Juan in class?
1. Good-bye until tomorrow.
2. I was tired after dancing all night.
3. They are going as far as Florida by plane.
4. She listened to radio before going to bed.
5. We played bridge after dinner.
6. I want to see him before writing this letter.
7. Juan invited Maria to go to the party.
8. We walked as far as the corner together.
9. She is going to be busy after four o'clock.
10. I like to study before class.
11. Our friends were here until midnight.
12. I always read the news paper after breakfast.
13. The train arrived before five o'clock.
14. They are going to the lecture tonight.
15. He ins 't at home now. He is at the office.
1. Did you mean that?
2. Did the teacher stand?
3. Where did I lay my keys?
4. Where did they keep their car?
5. Did she spend a week there?
6. Did you win the prize?
7. Did they take Maria with them?
8. Did she wear her new hat?
9. Did you think of me?
10. Did he tell you the truth?
11. Did she teach English here?
12. Did he swim across the river?
13. Did she speak to you?
14. Did you sleep well last night?
15. Did they shake hands?
16. When did you send the package?
17. Did you ride on the streetcar ?
18. Did he pay for the tickets?
19. Where did Maria meet Juan?
20. Did she make her sweater?
1. How much money did you lend him?
2. Where did I leave my gloves?
3. Did he know her before?
4. Did you here the serenade?
5. Did Maria have a wonderful time?
6. Did he give you his seat?
7. Did the lake freeze in the winter?
8. Did you fly or take a train?
9. Did he feel alright?
10. When did he fall?
11. When did you get the tickets?
12. Where did he hang his coat and hat?
13. Did they drive to the office?
14. Did you drink all your coffee?
15. When did he become a doctor?
16. When did she cut her finger?
17. Why did you choose that hat?
18. Did he break the glass?
19. Did you bring your notebook?
20. Did the class begin on time?
1. Who sang songs to the girls?
2. Who put it there?
3. Where did they go last night?
4. Did she forget her book?
5. Did you have a vacation?
6. Did you write a letter?
7. When did he call me?
8. Where did they sit?
9. What did they say?
10. When did you read it?
11. How much did the movie cost?
12. When did you sell your radio?
13. When did you see him?
14. Where did you find it?
15. What time did you get up?
16. Why did they run?
17. Did you understand well?
18. Where did they eat?
19. When did he come?
20. What did he buy?
1. She used to have a date during the week.
2. Maria used to study almost every night until eleven o'clock.
3. They used to go for a walk every sunday.
4. He used to sing very well.
5. She used to read a book every week.
6. I used to walk home.
7. Our class used to begin at six o'clock.
8. He used to take a bus every morning.
9. I used to forget my books.
10. I used to write many letters.
11. They used to go to the movies every Monday.
12. She used to come to class early.
13. The two friends used to have dinner together.
14. He used to speak Italian very well.
15. We used to see him every day.
Actividad 9: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. His grandparents were from Italia.
2. He was never in the United States.
3. The children were not in school last week.
4. Was her signature at the end of the letter.
5. We were very busy last week.
6. His calling card was on the desk this morning.
7. He was not in the office yesterday.
8. Were you in class yesterday.
9. Her name was Alicia Zapata before her marriage.
10. There were five members in the Zapata family.
1. Were you expecting to see her?
2. Were the children playing in the yard?
3. Was he waiting for her?
4. Were you sleeping?
5. I was going to the library.
6. She was writing a letter.
7. We were listening to the radio.
8. They were having a good time.
9. I was studying my English lesson.
10. My niece was visiting us.
11. Weren't they waiting for you.?
12. Were you writing a letter?
13. We weren't talking.
14. I was reading the paper.
1. What are you going to do on Saturday?
2. What are you going to do tomorrow evening?
3. What are you going to do?
4. What are you going to study?
5. Where are you going?
6. We are going to live this house.
7. We are going to play.
8. She is going to the party.
9. He is going with her.
10. They are going to ruin my life.
1. I am learning my lesson.
2. Her name was Maria Zapata before her marriage.
3. The children do not use their mother's surname.
4. On her calling card her name is written Miss Alicia.
5. His middle name is Juan.
6. The North American man does not use his mother's surname.
7. Mrs. Maria loves her children.
8. Juan and his brother are studying Spanish.
9. On what days do you have your English class.
10. We are waiting for our class to begin.
11. We like to visit our friends.
12. Maria has a present for her sister.
13. The boys usually help their sister.
14. The boy usually helps his sister.
1. The dog on the porch is our dog.
2. Is her name the same as my name?
3. Is the magazine your magazine?
4. The coat is Maria's coat.
5. The desk is my brother's desk.
6. Here is my calling card on the desk.
7. The calling card is Juan's calling card.
8. The car is Mr. Pedro's car.
9. The radio is my sister's radio.
10. The room is his room.
11. Is the hat your hat or Pedro's hat?
12. The house is their house.
13. The shoes are his shoes.
14. The letter is my letter.
15. Is the book your book?
16. The signature is her signature.
1. They needed to buy the tickets early.
2. He lived on La Calzada last year.
3. She selected new calling cards.
4. They walked home for class.
5. The streetcar stopped in front of my house.
6. Mrs Maria prepared lunch for him.
7. Mr. Pedro wanted to have his lunch early.
8. She received several letter yesterday.
9. They liked the lecture very much.
10. Our friends rented the house on the corner.
11. Maria embraced her mother.
12. I answered all her questions.
13. The teacher asked many questions.
14. We pronounced the words many time.
15. We changed the sentences to questions
2. He was never in the United States.
3. The children were not in school last week.
4. Was her signature at the end of the letter.
5. We were very busy last week.
6. His calling card was on the desk this morning.
7. He was not in the office yesterday.
8. Were you in class yesterday.
9. Her name was Alicia Zapata before her marriage.
10. There were five members in the Zapata family.
1. Were you expecting to see her?
2. Were the children playing in the yard?
3. Was he waiting for her?
4. Were you sleeping?
5. I was going to the library.
6. She was writing a letter.
7. We were listening to the radio.
8. They were having a good time.
9. I was studying my English lesson.
10. My niece was visiting us.
11. Weren't they waiting for you.?
12. Were you writing a letter?
13. We weren't talking.
14. I was reading the paper.
1. What are you going to do on Saturday?
2. What are you going to do tomorrow evening?
3. What are you going to do?
4. What are you going to study?
5. Where are you going?
6. We are going to live this house.
7. We are going to play.
8. She is going to the party.
9. He is going with her.
10. They are going to ruin my life.
1. I am learning my lesson.
2. Her name was Maria Zapata before her marriage.
3. The children do not use their mother's surname.
4. On her calling card her name is written Miss Alicia.
5. His middle name is Juan.
6. The North American man does not use his mother's surname.
7. Mrs. Maria loves her children.
8. Juan and his brother are studying Spanish.
9. On what days do you have your English class.
10. We are waiting for our class to begin.
11. We like to visit our friends.
12. Maria has a present for her sister.
13. The boys usually help their sister.
14. The boy usually helps his sister.
1. The dog on the porch is our dog.
2. Is her name the same as my name?
3. Is the magazine your magazine?
4. The coat is Maria's coat.
5. The desk is my brother's desk.
6. Here is my calling card on the desk.
7. The calling card is Juan's calling card.
8. The car is Mr. Pedro's car.
9. The radio is my sister's radio.
10. The room is his room.
11. Is the hat your hat or Pedro's hat?
12. The house is their house.
13. The shoes are his shoes.
14. The letter is my letter.
15. Is the book your book?
16. The signature is her signature.
1. They needed to buy the tickets early.
2. He lived on La Calzada last year.
3. She selected new calling cards.
4. They walked home for class.
5. The streetcar stopped in front of my house.
6. Mrs Maria prepared lunch for him.
7. Mr. Pedro wanted to have his lunch early.
8. She received several letter yesterday.
9. They liked the lecture very much.
10. Our friends rented the house on the corner.
11. Maria embraced her mother.
12. I answered all her questions.
13. The teacher asked many questions.
14. We pronounced the words many time.
15. We changed the sentences to questions
Actividad 8: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. How much is butter?
2. How much is coffee?
3. How much are eggs?
4. How much is sugar?
5. How much is gasoline?
6. How much do tomatoes cost?
7. How much do apples cost?
8. How much does bread cost?
9. How much does milk cost?
10. How much do nylon stockings cost?
1. I understand Mr. Pedro because he speaks slowly and clearly.
2. She notices the difference.
3. They use formal greetings.
4. It rains a great deal there.
5. Juan speaks Spanish well.
6. We practice our English every day.
7. Juan studies very hard.
8. They come to class early.
9. He eats lunch at one o'clock.
10. We need vegetables today.
11. My friend has enough time.
12. They want to live in the United States.
13. Juan has a good pronunciation.
14. They like to study English.
15. He needs to learn French.
1. We are ready to go now.
2. He is very glad to see them.
3. They are coming to class today.
4. The teacher is explaining it.
5. I am studying the lesson now.
6. She is living on La Calzada.
7. We are leaving tomorrow.
8. They are shaking hands now.
9. He is a South American.
10. They are Colombians.
11. That is a familiar greetings.
12. We are writing letters.
13. I am waiting for her.
14. I am speaking English.
15. The students are late.
16. The classes are small.
17. The lesson is difficult.
1. Do you often go to the movies? no, not often.
2. There are no new houses on that street.
3. She does not like to speak English.
4. We have no hot water today.
5. There are no students absent today.
6. Is the pronunciation easy? no.
7. The teacher is not difficult to understand.
8. There is no bread in the house.
9. There is not a store near our house.
10. She is not at home now.
11. Not many students are in the library now.
12. There is no time like the present.
13. No other class wants to do that.
14. Not much light enters in this room.
15. Not many people like to wait.
16. There is no heat in the building.
17. No sentence is complete without a subject.
18. Not a man in the room speak English.
19. No news is good news.
20. We have no time for that now.
21. They do not have a class today.
22. They have no fireplace in their house.
23. That store does not sell paper.
24. The room has no windows in it.
25. He notices no difference in their pronunciation.
1. Is it always hot in Panama?
2. Are they often out of town?
3. Are you always serious?
4. Isn't she often there on Saturday?
5. Isn't he sometimes in that rooms?
6. Aren't you usually busy in the morning?
7. Are they ever late?
8. Is she ever ready on time?
9. Is there ever a lecture in English?
10. Are you ever at home in the afternoon?
11. Does she always have coffee for breakfast?
12. Does he often come to class late?
13. Do they sometimes shake hands?
14. Do you usually write letters on Sunday?
15. Doesn't it ever rain in December?
16. Don't you ever see Mr. Pedro?
17. Do they ever wait for you?
18. Does she ever play the piano for you?
19. Does he ever study his lesson?
20. Do you ever look at People magazine?
2. How much is coffee?
3. How much are eggs?
4. How much is sugar?
5. How much is gasoline?
6. How much do tomatoes cost?
7. How much do apples cost?
8. How much does bread cost?
9. How much does milk cost?
10. How much do nylon stockings cost?
1. I understand Mr. Pedro because he speaks slowly and clearly.
2. She notices the difference.
3. They use formal greetings.
4. It rains a great deal there.
5. Juan speaks Spanish well.
6. We practice our English every day.
7. Juan studies very hard.
8. They come to class early.
9. He eats lunch at one o'clock.
10. We need vegetables today.
11. My friend has enough time.
12. They want to live in the United States.
13. Juan has a good pronunciation.
14. They like to study English.
15. He needs to learn French.
1. We are ready to go now.
2. He is very glad to see them.
3. They are coming to class today.
4. The teacher is explaining it.
5. I am studying the lesson now.
6. She is living on La Calzada.
7. We are leaving tomorrow.
8. They are shaking hands now.
9. He is a South American.
10. They are Colombians.
11. That is a familiar greetings.
12. We are writing letters.
13. I am waiting for her.
14. I am speaking English.
15. The students are late.
16. The classes are small.
17. The lesson is difficult.
1. Do you often go to the movies? no, not often.
2. There are no new houses on that street.
3. She does not like to speak English.
4. We have no hot water today.
5. There are no students absent today.
6. Is the pronunciation easy? no.
7. The teacher is not difficult to understand.
8. There is no bread in the house.
9. There is not a store near our house.
10. She is not at home now.
11. Not many students are in the library now.
12. There is no time like the present.
13. No other class wants to do that.
14. Not much light enters in this room.
15. Not many people like to wait.
16. There is no heat in the building.
17. No sentence is complete without a subject.
18. Not a man in the room speak English.
19. No news is good news.
20. We have no time for that now.
21. They do not have a class today.
22. They have no fireplace in their house.
23. That store does not sell paper.
24. The room has no windows in it.
25. He notices no difference in their pronunciation.
1. Is it always hot in Panama?
2. Are they often out of town?
3. Are you always serious?
4. Isn't she often there on Saturday?
5. Isn't he sometimes in that rooms?
6. Aren't you usually busy in the morning?
7. Are they ever late?
8. Is she ever ready on time?
9. Is there ever a lecture in English?
10. Are you ever at home in the afternoon?
11. Does she always have coffee for breakfast?
12. Does he often come to class late?
13. Do they sometimes shake hands?
14. Do you usually write letters on Sunday?
15. Doesn't it ever rain in December?
16. Don't you ever see Mr. Pedro?
17. Do they ever wait for you?
18. Does she ever play the piano for you?
19. Does he ever study his lesson?
20. Do you ever look at People magazine?
Actividad 7: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. What do you like to do during your vacation?
2. What do you like to do on Saturday?
3. How do you like the lectures?
4. How do you like the house?
5. How do you like her hat?
6. Does Juana like to dance?
7. Do they like the teacher?
8. Do they like the English class?
9. Do you like to speak English?
10. When do you like to listen to the radio?
11. Do you like music?
12. Does Juana like the United States?
13. Do you like to drink coffee or tea?
14. Which do you like best, carrots, mangos, or jocote?
15. When do you like to go the movies?
16. Do you like the movies?
1. What is your professional or occupation?
2. Is she a teacher or a secretary?
3. Is his friend an engineer?
4. Is Mr. Zapata a doctor?
5. Are you a salesman?
6. Is he a bank clerk?
7. Is Mr. Zapata a clerk?
8. What is your nationality?
9. Are you Latin American?
10. Is Mr. Zapata a North American?
1. His store is opposite the bank.
2. Besides a coat, I need a new hat.
3. Masaya is near Managua.
4. Her house is far from downtown.
5. My sister lives opposite the church.
6. The car is in front of the house.
7. He is standing next to the blackboard.
8. The teacher is standing in front of the class.
9. He always sit beside the windows.
10. She is sitting near the door.
11. Besides vegetables, I need to buy meet, milk and juice.
12. They live near the corner.
13. The garden is behind the house.
14. There is a nice car in front of the house.
15. She is sitting beside me.
16. He is sitting next to me.
1. Does she have dinner early?
2. I see Juana at lunch.
3. The maid opens the door.
4. We see those people every day.
5. The news is very good.
6. I have my books with me.
7. The university is very old.
8. The president is speaking now.
9. The students are working hard.
10. Juana is a students.
11. He is taking his son with me.
12. I am waiting for my sister.
13. I have a surprise for my friends.
14. Where is my English book.
15. The money is on the desk.
1. The people in this class wants to learn English.
2. There are not many people in the bank now.
3. There is some good news for you in this letter.
4. The news is bad tonight.
5. There are many Latin American in the United States.
6. She needs to buy vegetables.
7. There is garden in the back yard.
8. There are four rooms upstairs.
9. The house has a nice green lawn.
10. She has many books.
11. He understands the words.
12. I explain the lesson.
13. He goes to class early.
14. Are you from New York.
15. He comes from Brazil.
2. What do you like to do on Saturday?
3. How do you like the lectures?
4. How do you like the house?
5. How do you like her hat?
6. Does Juana like to dance?
7. Do they like the teacher?
8. Do they like the English class?
9. Do you like to speak English?
10. When do you like to listen to the radio?
11. Do you like music?
12. Does Juana like the United States?
13. Do you like to drink coffee or tea?
14. Which do you like best, carrots, mangos, or jocote?
15. When do you like to go the movies?
16. Do you like the movies?
1. What is your professional or occupation?
2. Is she a teacher or a secretary?
3. Is his friend an engineer?
4. Is Mr. Zapata a doctor?
5. Are you a salesman?
6. Is he a bank clerk?
7. Is Mr. Zapata a clerk?
8. What is your nationality?
9. Are you Latin American?
10. Is Mr. Zapata a North American?
1. His store is opposite the bank.
2. Besides a coat, I need a new hat.
3. Masaya is near Managua.
4. Her house is far from downtown.
5. My sister lives opposite the church.
6. The car is in front of the house.
7. He is standing next to the blackboard.
8. The teacher is standing in front of the class.
9. He always sit beside the windows.
10. She is sitting near the door.
11. Besides vegetables, I need to buy meet, milk and juice.
12. They live near the corner.
13. The garden is behind the house.
14. There is a nice car in front of the house.
15. She is sitting beside me.
16. He is sitting next to me.
1. Does she have dinner early?
2. I see Juana at lunch.
3. The maid opens the door.
4. We see those people every day.
5. The news is very good.
6. I have my books with me.
7. The university is very old.
8. The president is speaking now.
9. The students are working hard.
10. Juana is a students.
11. He is taking his son with me.
12. I am waiting for my sister.
13. I have a surprise for my friends.
14. Where is my English book.
15. The money is on the desk.
1. The people in this class wants to learn English.
2. There are not many people in the bank now.
3. There is some good news for you in this letter.
4. The news is bad tonight.
5. There are many Latin American in the United States.
6. She needs to buy vegetables.
7. There is garden in the back yard.
8. There are four rooms upstairs.
9. The house has a nice green lawn.
10. She has many books.
11. He understands the words.
12. I explain the lesson.
13. He goes to class early.
14. Are you from New York.
15. He comes from Brazil.
Actividad 6: formular la pregunta o responderla según corresponda
1. The university has beautiful campus.
2. Her sister speaks English very well.
3. The letters are in English.
4. The students are taking English lessons.
5. The postman comes very late.
6. The scholarships are for worthy students.
7. Her scholarship is a good one.
8. The doorbell is ringing.
9. My sister in the United States.
10. The university is very large.
1. The Institute of Education gives scholarships to worthy students.
2. It rains a little now.
3. It rains a great deal in the tropics.
4. The bus always stops there.
5. The bus stop at the corner now.
6. We like this class.
7. We study the present tense now.
8. Now we begin to understand some English.
9. This class begin at eight o'clock.
10. I write a long letter now.
11. I write many letters to her.
12. We miss her very much.
13. She has a good time now.
14. Juan always have a good time.
15. The doorbell rings now.
16. The doorbell ring very often.
17. Mr and Mrs. Palacio build a new house.
18. She learns a great deal this year.
19. She always wants to practice it.
20. Juan speaks English very well.
1. I like those people very much.
2. He is giving the news on the radio now.
3. She likes the college town very much.
4. The news is about Michael.
5. You have letters in your pocket.
6. We receive many letters from Juan.
7. Juan is going to a party with Julia.
8. Juan usually answers the question correctly.
9. The teacher is explaining the lesson to the students.
10. They are speaking with the teacher.
11. We like her letters very much.
12. The students like Maria.
13. Maria attends the university.
14. I see Mr. Chamorro every day.
15. Mr. Chamorro is renting the house.
1. The people are ready to go
2. The news is very interesting.
3. They are living in an apartment.
4. The lessons are easy.
5. Juan is a good student.
6. They are speaking to Mr. Bolaños .
7. His name is Pedro.
8. They are standing at the door.
9. He is writing a letter.
10. Juan is very busy now.
11. We are expecting her next year.
12. Juan is having a good time.
13. He is late for dinner.
14. Mr. Juan is coming now.
15. The doorbell is ringing.
16. The address is 85 Calzada Street.
17. The front porch is large.
18. They are renting the house.
19. The bedrooms are upstairs.
20. The house is on Calzada Street.
1. There are many students in the room.
2. There is a big map on the wall.
3. There are classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4. There is a lecture tomorrow night.
5. There are five children in the family.
6. There is nice front lawn.
7. There are four bedrooms upstairs.
8. There is a telephone downstairs.
9. There are some letters on the desk for you.
10. There are twelve months in a year.
1. Do we listen to the radio after dinner?
2. Does Mrs. Zapata pick out a good steak?.
3. Do you have my order ready?
4. Does the cauliflower cost one dollar?
5. Do I need to buy meat and vegetables?
6. Does Mrs Zapata think that they will do?
7. Does she put the tomatoes in the sun.
8. Does the clerk wait on Mrs. Zapata?
9. Do I have many things to buy?
10. Does she go to the grocery store with Mrs. Zapata?
11. Do they go to New York on business?
12. Does Mr. Zapata has a new car?
13. Do we learn the vocabulary and the idioms of each lesson?
14. Does she want to study English?
15. Do they understand their teacher?
16. Do they speak English and Spanish?
17. Do they have four bedroom in the house?
18. Do they rent the house?
2. Her sister speaks English very well.
3. The letters are in English.
4. The students are taking English lessons.
5. The postman comes very late.
6. The scholarships are for worthy students.
7. Her scholarship is a good one.
8. The doorbell is ringing.
9. My sister in the United States.
10. The university is very large.
1. The Institute of Education gives scholarships to worthy students.
2. It rains a little now.
3. It rains a great deal in the tropics.
4. The bus always stops there.
5. The bus stop at the corner now.
6. We like this class.
7. We study the present tense now.
8. Now we begin to understand some English.
9. This class begin at eight o'clock.
10. I write a long letter now.
11. I write many letters to her.
12. We miss her very much.
13. She has a good time now.
14. Juan always have a good time.
15. The doorbell rings now.
16. The doorbell ring very often.
17. Mr and Mrs. Palacio build a new house.
18. She learns a great deal this year.
19. She always wants to practice it.
20. Juan speaks English very well.
1. I like those people very much.
2. He is giving the news on the radio now.
3. She likes the college town very much.
4. The news is about Michael.
5. You have letters in your pocket.
6. We receive many letters from Juan.
7. Juan is going to a party with Julia.
8. Juan usually answers the question correctly.
9. The teacher is explaining the lesson to the students.
10. They are speaking with the teacher.
11. We like her letters very much.
12. The students like Maria.
13. Maria attends the university.
14. I see Mr. Chamorro every day.
15. Mr. Chamorro is renting the house.
1. The people are ready to go
2. The news is very interesting.
3. They are living in an apartment.
4. The lessons are easy.
5. Juan is a good student.
6. They are speaking to Mr. Bolaños .
7. His name is Pedro.
8. They are standing at the door.
9. He is writing a letter.
10. Juan is very busy now.
11. We are expecting her next year.
12. Juan is having a good time.
13. He is late for dinner.
14. Mr. Juan is coming now.
15. The doorbell is ringing.
16. The address is 85 Calzada Street.
17. The front porch is large.
18. They are renting the house.
19. The bedrooms are upstairs.
20. The house is on Calzada Street.
1. There are many students in the room.
2. There is a big map on the wall.
3. There are classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4. There is a lecture tomorrow night.
5. There are five children in the family.
6. There is nice front lawn.
7. There are four bedrooms upstairs.
8. There is a telephone downstairs.
9. There are some letters on the desk for you.
10. There are twelve months in a year.
1. Do we listen to the radio after dinner?
2. Does Mrs. Zapata pick out a good steak?.
3. Do you have my order ready?
4. Does the cauliflower cost one dollar?
5. Do I need to buy meat and vegetables?
6. Does Mrs Zapata think that they will do?
7. Does she put the tomatoes in the sun.
8. Does the clerk wait on Mrs. Zapata?
9. Do I have many things to buy?
10. Does she go to the grocery store with Mrs. Zapata?
11. Do they go to New York on business?
12. Does Mr. Zapata has a new car?
13. Do we learn the vocabulary and the idioms of each lesson?
14. Does she want to study English?
15. Do they understand their teacher?
16. Do they speak English and Spanish?
17. Do they have four bedroom in the house?
18. Do they rent the house?
Actividad 5: cuestionario 4º / 5º año

1. Does the train run by steam or by electricity?
2. Did you do your homework by yourself?
3. Did he send you the money by his mother?
4. Did you ever read a book written by Ruben Dario.?
5. Did she order her groceries by telephone?
6. Did you pay for it by check?
7. Is that handkerchief my by hand?
8. Do you prefer to travel by boat, by train, by plane or by car?
9. How did you send the letter, by airmail or by ordinary mail?
10. How did you come to class today, buy bus, by streetcar or on foot?
11. She sat at the table by herself.
12. I cleaned the room by myself.
1. I went by the drugstore and forgot to get the medicine.
2. On your way to the hotel, you will pass by a church.
3. Perhaps I went by your house, but I didn't recognize it.
4. Many buses go by my house every day.
5. I pass by the park every day when I go downtown.
6. He drove by me in his car, but he didn't see me.
7. He walks by your house when he goes to school.
8. He walked by me without seeing me.
9. She sent a message by the boy.
10. We want to finish the book by the end of this year.
1. Please learn these expressions by heart.
2. That is by far the best movie in town.
3. I am going by way of Florida.
4. By the way, what are you doing tonight.
5. They took me by surprise.
6. I took your book by mistake.
7. I know him only by sight.
8. They came into the room one by one.
9. Little by little, you will learn to speak english.
10. They sat side by side, reading the paper.
Actividad 4: ejercitación 1º / 2º año
1. Pon en los otros dos casos. (Afirmativo, Negativo, Interrogativo)
a) She writes a letter.
b) She doesn´t speak english.
c) Do they eat a sandwich?
2. Traduce al inglés.
a) Esta chica es bonita.
b) Tengo un perro gordo.
c) Esas casas son altas.
d) Estos lápices son largos.
3. Contesta brevemente.
a) Do you like dogs?
b) Where are you from?
c) How old are you?
d) What is your mother´s name?
e) Are you chinese?
f) What is Mr Grey?
g) Is Carlos Sainz english?
h) How do you spell your name?
4. Traduce.
a) Me gusta jugar al fútbol pero no me gusta jugar al tenis.
b) ¿Te gustan los animales? Me gustan los perros, pero no me gustan los gatos.
5. Escribe.
a) Las partículas interrogativas. Significado.
b) Posesivos. Significado.
c) Tres frases con profesiones distintas.
6. La familia.
Marido Esposa
Padre Madre
Hija Hijo
Hermana Hermano
7. Partes de la casa.
Habitación Tejado
Cocina Garaje
Baño Comedor
8. Posesivos
a) I have got a car. It´s ............ car.
b) The dog is in ............ basket.
c) You´ve got a pen. It is ............... pen.
d) Have they got the money in ................ box.
e) She has got a pencil. It´s .............. pencil.
f) We have got a friend. He´s ............. friend.
a) She writes a letter.
b) She doesn´t speak english.
c) Do they eat a sandwich?
2. Traduce al inglés.
a) Esta chica es bonita.
b) Tengo un perro gordo.
c) Esas casas son altas.
d) Estos lápices son largos.
3. Contesta brevemente.
a) Do you like dogs?
b) Where are you from?
c) How old are you?
d) What is your mother´s name?
e) Are you chinese?
f) What is Mr Grey?
g) Is Carlos Sainz english?
h) How do you spell your name?
4. Traduce.
a) Me gusta jugar al fútbol pero no me gusta jugar al tenis.
b) ¿Te gustan los animales? Me gustan los perros, pero no me gustan los gatos.
5. Escribe.
a) Las partículas interrogativas. Significado.
b) Posesivos. Significado.
c) Tres frases con profesiones distintas.
6. La familia.
Marido Esposa
Padre Madre
Hija Hijo
Hermana Hermano
7. Partes de la casa.
Habitación Tejado
Cocina Garaje
Baño Comedor
8. Posesivos
a) I have got a car. It´s ............ car.
b) The dog is in ............ basket.
c) You´ve got a pen. It is ............... pen.
d) Have they got the money in ................ box.
e) She has got a pencil. It´s .............. pencil.
f) We have got a friend. He´s ............. friend.
Teoría 1: Los Pronombres
Como en castellano, los pronombres personales adoptan formas distintas según la función que desempeñan en la oración:
(ái) I yo
(iú) you tu, usted
(jí) he él
(shí) she ella
(it) it ello (para cosas)
(uí) we nosotros, nosotras
(iú) you ustedes, vosotros, vosotras
(déi) they ellos, ellas
1. En castellano existe el sujeto tácito (Como una manzana) pero en inglés el sujeto debe expresarse siempre y precede al verbo: I eat an apple every day, (yo) como una manzana a diario.
2. Sólo puede suprimirse el pronombre con el imperativo, pues se sobreentiende que va dirigido a la persona o personas que lo escuchan: Come here!, ¡ven aquí! ¡vengan aquí!
COMO COMPLEMENTO (Pronombres Objetivos)
(mí) me me, a mí
(iú) you te, a ti, a usted
(jím) him le, a él
(jer) her le, a ella
(it) it le, a ello (para cosas)
(as) us nos, a nosotros, a nosotras
(iú) you les, a ustedes; a vosotros, a vosotras
(dém) them les, a ellos, a ellas
1. El pronombre objetivo tiene función de complemento de verbo o preposición:
Mary met him here
Mary lo encontró aquí (complemento de verbo)
Mary came with him
Mary vino con él (complemento de preposición)
2. Si el verbo tiene dos complementos (CD: complemento directo; CI: complemento indirecto), la frase tiene dos formas posibles de construcción:
V + CD + to + CI = I give an apple to him, Le doy una manzana a él.
V + CI + CD = I give him an apple, Le doy a él una manzana.
(ái) I yo
(iú) you tu, usted
(jí) he él
(shí) she ella
(it) it ello (para cosas)
(uí) we nosotros, nosotras
(iú) you ustedes, vosotros, vosotras
(déi) they ellos, ellas
1. En castellano existe el sujeto tácito (Como una manzana) pero en inglés el sujeto debe expresarse siempre y precede al verbo: I eat an apple every day, (yo) como una manzana a diario.
2. Sólo puede suprimirse el pronombre con el imperativo, pues se sobreentiende que va dirigido a la persona o personas que lo escuchan: Come here!, ¡ven aquí! ¡vengan aquí!
COMO COMPLEMENTO (Pronombres Objetivos)
(mí) me me, a mí
(iú) you te, a ti, a usted
(jím) him le, a él
(jer) her le, a ella
(it) it le, a ello (para cosas)
(as) us nos, a nosotros, a nosotras
(iú) you les, a ustedes; a vosotros, a vosotras
(dém) them les, a ellos, a ellas
1. El pronombre objetivo tiene función de complemento de verbo o preposición:
Mary met him here
Mary lo encontró aquí (complemento de verbo)
Mary came with him
Mary vino con él (complemento de preposición)
2. Si el verbo tiene dos complementos (CD: complemento directo; CI: complemento indirecto), la frase tiene dos formas posibles de construcción:
V + CD + to + CI = I give an apple to him, Le doy una manzana a él.
V + CI + CD = I give him an apple, Le doy a él una manzana.
sábado, 4 de julio de 2009
Actividad 3: ejercitación de 3º año

Read the following passage carefully:
Information for volunteers coming to the South Sea Islands
There is no electricity on many of the islands, so don’t bring a TV, stereo or electrical kitchen equipment. Bring a radio and a cassette recorder, but get sure that you have enough batteries.
There is no hospital. In an emergency you would have to fly to Australia, which is 1000 miles away.
Take plenty of medicine with you, especially insect repellent, suntan cream, anti-malaria tablets and something for stomach upsets. You will have to boil and sterilize all your drinking water. Diarrhea is a constant problem.
Food is very expensive because most of it is imported. Only a few vegetables grow on the islands and there are no animals, except for a few snakes. There are plenty of fish in the sea but there are sharks there, too!
Life can be boring on the islands. If you get bored easily, then you should not go to live on the islands. Bring a lot of books, some tools and a musical instrument.
Be very careful is you go swimming or sunbathing. You can get sun burnt very easily and you can get bitten or stung by the insects which live in the sand. Storms can start very suddenly, too, although hurricanes usually happen only in the spring and autumn.
Now say whether these sentences about the previous passage are right, wrong or that you don’t know.
a) All the islands have electricity.
b) There is a hospital on one of the largest islands.
c) There are mosquitoes on the islands.
d) It is easy o get sun burnt on the islands.
e) There is no cinema on the islands.
f) The islands produce most of their own food.
g) It is dangerous to swim in the sea around the islands.
h) People get bored easily because there is nothing to do.
i) The weather is always very calm.
3. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets:
a) Millions of years before animals ___________(live) on land, there ___________(be) plants on the earth.
b) All butterflies __________________(not/look) the same to Sue.
c) My brother ________________(seem) quite interested in _____________(swim)
d) What __________ everybody here ____________(do) for a _____________(live)?
e) __________you still ____________(think) that the _______________(cheap) car is a Volkswagen?
f) Our Headmaster wanted ___________(know) about our language exams last week.
g) Maggie Black ___________(be) a happy, friendly blonde girl who ____________(snow) on the afternoon.
h) Our History Coordinator __________(be) out of his office this afternoon at four o’clock. That’s why some students ____________(leave)their messages on his desk.
i) It is rather _________(wet) today, but I think it __________(snow) in the afternoon.
j) Yesterday we _____________(can/not/work) on the school survey little Tommy and his sister ________________(not/arrive) in time.
k) The Obelisk __________________(tall) than the Opera Theatre.
l) Paul’s wife _____________(have got) a terrible headache. _____________you _______________(have got) an aspirin for her?
m) Paul _____________(not/bring) the grammar books if Peter ___________________(not/ask) him so.
n) How long _________________(live) in this neighborhood?
4. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word or just nothing
a) What’s ________________ weather ______________?
b) Prices never go down ______________Summer.
c) We’re having ___________ a wedding party ____________ Saturday evening.
d) Tom: what’s _____________ at _____________Grand Rex Cinema?
Bob: ______________concert of ____________rock’ n ’roll music.
e) Can I pay_____________ cash?
f) Nobody wanted to speak ____________Dr. Brown _______________ten o’clock yesterday morning.
g) _____________library is _______________the police station.
h) Christopher isn’t popular; he doesn’t have __________friends_______ enemies.
i) Peter works for himself, so he has __________free time than you, but he earns __________________ money.
j) We don’t have _______________ money to pay ____________ dinner.
5. Improve the following sentences:
a) Where do he spend your holidays last summer?
b) I had an important meet tomorrow but I doesn’t know what clothes to wear.
c) Much people think barter will be used only in primitives agricultural societies.
d) When she will fly o New York I sat next to some very interesting person on the plane.
6. Complete the conversation using the words suggested once or more than once
Watch – first – find – do – so – lot – subjects – much.
Claire: what do you ___________________, Tony?
Tony: I’m a teacher.
Claire: Which ___________________ do you teach?
Tony: English as a Foreign Language and Business Studies. I use your video programs a _______________.
Claire: ________________you? How?
Tony: Well, the class and I ________________ the video program ____________ and then we discuss it.
Claire: And do your students ____________ the programs very interesting?
Tony: yes, I think _____________. I men, I think they like them very ______________.
You are spending your summer holidays in Mar del Plata. Write a postcard to your classmates.
Actividad 2: ejercitación de 2º año

A) Writing Activity. Complete this account of a safari holiday with the past simple tense of the verbs in brackets:
Last year Roger Ferguson (1)..........(organize) a safari to Lunguala in Western Africa. He (2)......... (plan) everything and(3)..............(arrange) every detail. He(4)............(hire) a group of native guides and(5)................(travel) to the jungle with fourteen tourists. The group(6).............(included) three women. They(7)..........(arrive) in Lunguala on a Sunday and (8)..............(explore) the place for a week. They(9)............(carry) their equipment in a jeep but they(10)................(walk) most of the time. At the end of the safari everybody was tired but very happy.
B) Write the sentences in the interrogative:
1. Lucy worked in a restaurant.2. The Minister informed the country about the situation.3. Bob and Sylivia rented a house at seaside last summer.4. The police arrested the criminal last night.5. Harry telephoned his mother this morning
C) Write the following sentences in the negative:
1. Bill Gates invented television.2. Thomas Alva Edison discovered the cure of Polio.3. The Americans elected Jhon F. Kennedy as president in 1980.4. Sebastian Cabot explored the Amazon.5. Austria attacked the USSR during the Second Wold War.
D) Choose the right form of verb in each sentences.
1. Maria ( live/lives) in a small house near the river.
2. Bob and Robert ( study/ studies) at Christ College.
3. Arnold( drive/drives ) his car to his office in the morning.
4. We ( visit/visits) our grandparents every Saturday.
5. My cat ( sleep/sleeps) on the carpet.
E) Write the sentences in negative and interrogative form.
Lucy works in a cafeteria.
Bob and Sylvia rent a house at the seaside in summer.
Engineers build roads and bridges.
Harry telephones his mother every day.
I eat fish on Sundays.
F) Make your dairy routine
G) Countable and uncountable nouns (indefinite adjectives: "some", "any")
Write a (1) next to the countable nouns and (X) next to the uncountable nouns.
1. water ....
2. pencil....
3. Wool.....
4. rice....
5. book.....
6. cassette....
7. dollar....
8. money....
9. honey.....
10. jam......
11. horse.....
12. beer.....
13. Map......
14. Sand......
15. umbrella....
16. cotton....
17. soap.....
18. tree.....
19. towel....
20. music......
H) Choose the right option
1. (Is there any/Are there any) rice in the cupboard?
2. (is there any/Are there any) sausages in the refrigerator?
4.Please buy (some bread/ one or two breads).
5. There (is/are) some tea in the cup.
6. Put (a cheese/some cheese) in the bowl.
7. (Are there any/ Is there any) Coke in that glass?
8. Put (some/a) milk in my tea.
I) Plural of nouns
A) Write these nouns in the plural:
1. clock. .......
2. gas .........
3. radio.......
4. monkey......
5. T-shirt......
6. dinosaur.....
7. glass.......
8. man......
9. football.....
10. moustache.....
J) Write these nouns in the singular:
1. dictionaries.....
2. matches.....
3. parties.....
4. dresses.....
5. countries.....
6. children.....
7- cities.....
8. adresses.....
9. wishes.....
10. brushes.....
K) Use How much or How many?
1. ......... sandwiches do we need?
2........... compact disks do you have?
3............ flour does he have?
4........... milk did you buy?
L) Simple Future
1. I..... travel by train
2. He.... buy some clothes for the summer
3. They.... play handsall this Sunday
4. I..... go this weekend (neg. form)
5. She..... play chess with us( neg. form)
M) Simple Present
A) Complete this article. Use the verbs in the correct form.
Why(1).......(many animals/migrate)?
Why(2).......(they/travel) long distances?
Because they(3)...... (need) food and shelter. For example, during the dry season in Africa grasses and other plants(4)........(not/grow) well. Zebras (5)......(not/stay) there because they (6).....(not/get) much food. Where(7)..........(they/move) to?
They (8).........(zebras/return) to the south? Of course, they (10)...........(return) to the south in the wet season.
N) Comparison and superlative of adjetives:
A) Choose the right option:1.Bruno is(fater/fatter) than Luca.
2. Betsy is (eleganter/more elegant) than Tamara.
3. Augustus is( most refined/the most refined) memeber of the club.
4. Lady Evelyn is (the most sophisticated/the more sophisticated) person in the world!
5. The school is (more modern/ the most modern) building in the town.
1. Maria ( live/lives) in a small house near the river.
2. Bob and Robert ( study/ studies) at Christ College.
3. Arnold( drive/drives ) his car to his office in the morning.
4. We ( visit/visits) our grandparents every Saturday.
5. My cat ( sleep/sleeps) on the carpet.
E) Write the sentences in negative and interrogative form.
Lucy works in a cafeteria.
Bob and Sylvia rent a house at the seaside in summer.
Engineers build roads and bridges.
Harry telephones his mother every day.
I eat fish on Sundays.
F) Make your dairy routine
G) Countable and uncountable nouns (indefinite adjectives: "some", "any")
Write a (1) next to the countable nouns and (X) next to the uncountable nouns.
1. water ....
2. pencil....
3. Wool.....
4. rice....
5. book.....
6. cassette....
7. dollar....
8. money....
9. honey.....
10. jam......
11. horse.....
12. beer.....
13. Map......
14. Sand......
15. umbrella....
16. cotton....
17. soap.....
18. tree.....
19. towel....
20. music......
H) Choose the right option
1. (Is there any/Are there any) rice in the cupboard?
2. (is there any/Are there any) sausages in the refrigerator?
4.Please buy (some bread/ one or two breads).
5. There (is/are) some tea in the cup.
6. Put (a cheese/some cheese) in the bowl.
7. (Are there any/ Is there any) Coke in that glass?
8. Put (some/a) milk in my tea.
I) Plural of nouns
A) Write these nouns in the plural:
1. clock. .......
2. gas .........
3. radio.......
4. monkey......
5. T-shirt......
6. dinosaur.....
7. glass.......
8. man......
9. football.....
10. moustache.....
J) Write these nouns in the singular:
1. dictionaries.....
2. matches.....
3. parties.....
4. dresses.....
5. countries.....
6. children.....
7- cities.....
8. adresses.....
9. wishes.....
10. brushes.....
K) Use How much or How many?
1. ......... sandwiches do we need?
2........... compact disks do you have?
3............ flour does he have?
4........... milk did you buy?
L) Simple Future
1. I..... travel by train
2. He.... buy some clothes for the summer
3. They.... play handsall this Sunday
4. I..... go this weekend (neg. form)
5. She..... play chess with us( neg. form)
M) Simple Present
A) Complete this article. Use the verbs in the correct form.
Why(1).......(many animals/migrate)?
Why(2).......(they/travel) long distances?
Because they(3)...... (need) food and shelter. For example, during the dry season in Africa grasses and other plants(4)........(not/grow) well. Zebras (5)......(not/stay) there because they (6).....(not/get) much food. Where(7)..........(they/move) to?
They (8).........(zebras/return) to the south? Of course, they (10)...........(return) to the south in the wet season.
N) Comparison and superlative of adjetives:
A) Choose the right option:1.Bruno is(fater/fatter) than Luca.
2. Betsy is (eleganter/more elegant) than Tamara.
3. Augustus is( most refined/the most refined) memeber of the club.
4. Lady Evelyn is (the most sophisticated/the more sophisticated) person in the world!
5. The school is (more modern/ the most modern) building in the town.
O) Present Perfect Tense
1. He...... ........ (not get) headache.2. You ......... ......... (be) at the hotel.3. She ......... .......... (not go) to Paris.4. It ............ ............(rain) for a week.5. They.......... .............(buy) his sister a ring.6. .......... you........... (be) in Spain?
P) Use for or since
1. I have used here........ three years.2. She has lived there.......... 1191.
Q) Conditional Tense
1. I ........... ............ to live alone(like).2. She .......... ........... to win a million dollars(like).3. He ............ ............ a good politician.(be)4...............you............ a cup of coffee? (like)5. ............ you............ to go to the cinema(go).
Actividad 1: ejercitación de 1º año
1) Complete with Simple Present, Simple Past or Simple Future
She _____________________ to church by car on Saturday evening (go)
He ______________________ the phone (use)
It _______________________ windy (be)
2) Write the opposites
3) Write countries or nationalities
Tracy is from Argentina.
She is __________________________________
He is from China.
He is ___________________________________
We are from _____________________________
We are Spanish.
I am from Brazil.
I am ____________________________________
4) Translate and put the following verbs into the Past Tense
5) Use how much or how many
For water, coffee, milk, I use ________________________
For apples, pencils, buses, I use ______________________
6) Plurals
7) Complete using: can, can’t, present continuous
I _________________ swim
I _________________ speak English.
Sophie ______________ her homework (do)
I _________________ my teeth (wash)
They _______________ rugby (play)
8) Translate the following verbs and put them into Present Continuous
9) Use there is, there are
______________________ a book on the desk
______________________ two birds on the tree
10) Write three colors, three days of the week, three fruits and three animals.
11) Complete with his, her, my, our (Possessive Adjectives)
___________________ name is Barbie.
What is __________________ name? ________________ name is John.
__________________ name is George and ______________ name is Marilyn.
Bobby is _____________________ dog.
12) Complete using the Simple Present
Bill _____________________ Jessica (love)
They ____________________ TV all night (watch)
I ______________________ fish (eat)
He _____________________ tennis (play)
13) Complete by using prepositions (from, next to, at, in, on, under)
He gets up ___________________ 8 o’clock
The library is ________________ the church
The pencil is ___________________ the table
The dog is ____________________ the box
I am _______________________ Italy
The bird is ____________________ the tree.
14) Complete with possessive pronouns
The bike is _________________ (I)
The book is ________________ (We)
The doll is _________________ (She)
15) Personal Presentation. Write a paragraph with your age, occupation, nationality, possessions, likes, ability and daily routine.
She _____________________ to church by car on Saturday evening (go)
He ______________________ the phone (use)
It _______________________ windy (be)
2) Write the opposites
3) Write countries or nationalities
Tracy is from Argentina.
She is __________________________________
He is from China.
He is ___________________________________
We are from _____________________________
We are Spanish.
I am from Brazil.
I am ____________________________________
4) Translate and put the following verbs into the Past Tense
5) Use how much or how many
For water, coffee, milk, I use ________________________
For apples, pencils, buses, I use ______________________
6) Plurals
7) Complete using: can, can’t, present continuous
I _________________ swim
I _________________ speak English.
Sophie ______________ her homework (do)
I _________________ my teeth (wash)
They _______________ rugby (play)
8) Translate the following verbs and put them into Present Continuous
9) Use there is, there are
______________________ a book on the desk
______________________ two birds on the tree
10) Write three colors, three days of the week, three fruits and three animals.
11) Complete with his, her, my, our (Possessive Adjectives)
___________________ name is Barbie.
What is __________________ name? ________________ name is John.
__________________ name is George and ______________ name is Marilyn.
Bobby is _____________________ dog.
12) Complete using the Simple Present
Bill _____________________ Jessica (love)
They ____________________ TV all night (watch)
I ______________________ fish (eat)
He _____________________ tennis (play)
13) Complete by using prepositions (from, next to, at, in, on, under)
He gets up ___________________ 8 o’clock
The library is ________________ the church
The pencil is ___________________ the table
The dog is ____________________ the box
I am _______________________ Italy
The bird is ____________________ the tree.
14) Complete with possessive pronouns
The bike is _________________ (I)
The book is ________________ (We)
The doll is _________________ (She)
15) Personal Presentation. Write a paragraph with your age, occupation, nationality, possessions, likes, ability and daily routine.
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